
PT. Induktorindo Utama completed construction of the SDN Bondalem  
01 December 2007

PT. Induktorindo Utama completed construction of the SDN Bondalem Sumbermulyo Bambanglipuro Bantul, which was destroyed by earthquake on May 2007. This school was handed over to Bupati Bantul represented by Wakil Bupati Drs. Sumarno on December 2007. The handover ceremony was attended by Management Member of Induktor Group, its affiliates, and government officers from Ministry of Education.

"By choosing to rebuild school and other education facility, Pt Induktorindo Utama has made right decision and shown its commitment and care to national education development" said Drs. Sumarno.

Mr. Bambang Sarwoadji, President Director of PT. Induktorindo Utama said his company, including all the management and staff always committed to help victims of disaster wherever they are. The decision to choose SDN Bondalem was only by random but no specific attention. "We're proud that the school we chose has many achievements in the past and expect they can continue their achievement by having new facility. According to the School Principal, SDN Bondalem has many achievements such as No. 1 Winner of Sepak Takraw 2004, No. 1 Bantul School Marching Band and MTQ 2005, Bantul, No.1 Coloring and Sepak Takraw 2006 and many more.

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